Cancellation & Refund Policy

Cancellation & Refund Policy


In this page we have kept 2 options. Refund Policy & Cancellation Policy. Cancellation Policy applies for packages cost above Rs 20000 and refund policy applies for packages cost below Rs 20000

Cancellation Policy

Minimum cancellation policy is 50% of package cost for packages above Rs 20000. Package Cost Below Rs 20000 no refund.

90-365 Days- 50% of package cost shall be refunded provided you pay full amount of Package

0-89 Days- No refund

Refund Policy

Once you book with us there is no refund applicable for packages cost below Rs 20000/. If Package cost is above 20000 then you get refund as per cancellation Policy described above


Need help?


Contact us at package@himalayanpilgrimage.com for questions related to refunds and returns.